On 21st June, 2022, the International Yoga Day was celebrated in association with J.S.V.V. Samsthe’s Shivanand Yoga College, Gadag at our college. Shri S. S. Hiremath, Principal, Shivanand Yoga College, Gadag was the Chief Guest. He spoke on the importance of practicing yoga in maintaining healthy life to our students, further he demonstrated various Aasanas’s along with his students. Later on he taught some of the Asana’s to our students for practicing on day to day basis. Dr. S. R. Patil, Principal was the President on this occasion. In his presidential remarks he focused on Healthy life style by practicing regular yoga and relieve from the stressful life. Shri S. T. Murashillin, Assistant Professor welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest. The programme began with the prayer by Miss Vaishali Kulkarni studying in 2nd Year LL.B. Mr. Mahantesh Maddi final year student was the master of ceremony. Dr. C. B. Ranagattimath, Physical Education Director proposed the vote of thanks. In this function all the students and staff actively participated.