“With Great pleasure I welcome the parents, students, and other stake holders of legal education to our Institution’s Website. Under the able leadership of a great visionary and well-known educationist of the contemporary India Dr. Prabhakar B. Kore, Chairman, K.L.E. Society, Belagavi…
K.L.E. Society’s S. A. Manvi Law College, founded in the year 1974 with a vision to provide legal education and to produce globally competent professionals. Since then, the college has served to impart legal education and produced number of advocates. The college has produced many scholarly students. The college has secured the ‘Dr. D. C. Pawate Best N.S.S. Unit Award’ and the ‘Dr. D. C. Pawate Best N.S.S Volunteer Award’ for the year 2008-09 from Karnatak Univeristy, Dharwad.
Championship, Team Championship (Men) 1st Place Team Championship (Women) 3rd Place, Best Male and Female athlete with 10 new Sports Meet Records have been created by the college students in the KSLU’s 7th Inter-Collegiate Athletic Meet for the year 2018-19.