Library Rules and Regulations

  • Library hours: The library will be open on weekdays between9-00 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. & on Saturday between 9.00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • General Rules & observations:
    1. Student Identity card & Chest badges are compulsory to avail the services of the library.
    2. Users are requested to maintain silence in the library/reading room and to avoid conversation and discussion that will disturb other readers. Library is meant for individual study only.
    3. Reference Books, Journals, Magazines, Reporters and Bound Volumes are only for reference in the library.
    4. Books and Bound Volumes should be handled with care.
    5. Defects found in the Books and Bound Volumes should be brought to the notice of the library personnel immediately.
    6. Pages of the Books and Bound Volumes should not be folded to serve as book Marks.
    7. Disfiguring and marking the pages of library books with ink or pencil is prohibited.
    8. Users should not disturb the arrangement of furniture.
    9. Smoking, Chewing of gutka, Pan, Tobacco etc is strictly prohibited in the library premises. Defaulters are liable for punishment as decided by the Librarian & Principal/Director of the institution.
    10. Use of Cell Phone is strictly prohibited in the library.
    11. Library authorities can withdraw the library services to the particular user on violation of Library Policies & Rules and for misconduct by the user.